Home Sweet Home:

Youth Open Mic and Closing Reception
with Abbie Miolée

June 19, 2024, 6pm
Open to all!

Abbie Miolée will be hosting a Youth Open Mic to celebrate the closing of Union Gallery’s exhibition, Home Sweet Home! Any and all local youth artists are invited to attend and share their earth/climate/nature-related work: writers, poets, musicians, dancers, and artists with anything that can be shared with an audience are encouraged to attend and share their art! Exhibited authors will also be highlighted in a portion of the evening dedicated to their sharing of any written work. Exhibited artists and their families are also invited to attend and support their fellow artists and celebrate their work.

Visit Home Sweet Home, in the Main Space from June 1 – June 22, 2024.

UNION GALLERY is funded and supported by Queen's University, Alma Mater Society (AMS), Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS), Ontario Arts Council, City of Kingston Arts Fund–Kingston Arts Council and the City of Kingston, with partnerships with Stauffer Library, Cultural Studies, Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies, and Art History and Art Conservation.